Sunday, October 6, 2013

Black cats

I find it a coincidence that I am doing superstitions for this blog, because something really weird happen a few days ago! I was in the kitchen with my mom when I saw a random black cat rip through the screen door and started running all around my house. It was actually pretty funny; the cat was so cute, loved my dog and was a lot nicer then ,y own cat. I realized though it probably was not a good idea to have another person’s cat in my house. I know there is some kind of tale about black cats, but I hope there is nothing about black cats running into your house like the tale about the black crows. I looked it up and they say if a cat crosses your path it is considered bad luck. I can’t imagine the luck it gives you if it enters in your home. On the site “” I learnt why black cats are considered bad luck. It dates back to the Egyptian times when cats were considered the animal of the world; they were the rulers of the Egyptians. From then on, black cats were associated with witches. Witches were a huge controversy in the Puritan time and many people were blamed of being a witch. The black cats were frightening then because it was said, the witches transformed themselves into cats. A father and son in the fifteen hundreds were walking during the night when they saw a black cat crossing their path. They threw rocks at it to injure the creature but the cat ran off into a woman’s house who was suspected of being a witch. The next day the woman was limping and was all bruised. They believed it was more then a coincidence and that she was the cat (todayifoundout).


            Although on the same site they say, to some cultures black cats are good luck. For example, “the Scottish believe that a strange black cat’s arrival to the home signifies prosperity”(ijustfoundout). How weird is that, that just happen to me! I think I am going to side with the Scottish, considering I would rather have prosperity either then bad luck. Now what do you guys think? Are they good luck or bad luck?





  on black cats

1 comment:

  1. Whenever me or my mom is driving and a black cat crosses the road we always get pretty upset because we both assume it means bad luck. After reading this blog, now I understand why they are considered bad luck! I think I'm going to side with you and the Scottish and start to believe that they are good luck so I'm not as upset when one crosses in front of me!
